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Happy New Year!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! The overwhelming support USS has received in 2015 has been amazing. 75 contest in 2015. 36 States with USS reps. One heck of a first Nationals Championships. Great job John Albrecht. Masters getting their pro cards. Thank you Chad Coy and Glenn Ross. Another Pro Master who went to MWSM. Way to crush it Van Hatfield. USS sponsored and payed for the USS Champions entries in to a Giants live event which helped get three guys to the 90Kg WSM and three more guys to the 105Kg WSM. It also sent three Heavy weight guys to other WSM qualifiers. Great job Aaron Molin and Mike Johnston. We have had two of our five qualifiers in 2015 for the first ever Paid Women World Championship right here in the USA. This will happen in October.

Oh baby! We are just getting warmed up. Our third Women's qualifier will be the Southern Belle February 27th. This will be the 100th contest for USS. It's party time! Speaking of parties, the 2016 USS Nationals will be in Louisville, KY on June 11th. It will be on 4th Street Live. I have been there three times and I can't wait for number four. Thank you Robbie and Davey McCann. We are working on new idea's, adding new States and setting up USS Nationals for the next three years. All of you are amazing to me. Train smart and eat. Have a Happy New Year! I hope to see all of you in 2016 at a contest near you.

Your friend in Strength,

Willie Wessels


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