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Deep Water Training! The Skinny on Fat!

J. Andersen

Are you overweight? Tired? Need more energy?

Then Deep Water can be your personal trainer and fitness method. Life is stressful and you may have personal obstacles or challenges with loved ones, co-workers, friends, diet, money and/or your own fitness goals. The Deep Water approach leaves you prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually for any outcome.

My name is Jon Andersen. I am a Strongman, Professional Wrestler, Bodybuilder and Author. I overcame bullying, dyslexia, obesity and an eating disorder. All to gain control of my life - and now I share my method with you.

The skinny on fat: excerpt form Deep Water.

"Do fats make you fat? The answer is, NO. In studies of isocaloric diets it has been found that diets with higher fat percentage do not increase the chances of gaining weight. What is also interesting is that if a diet that has excess calories is consumed the diet higher in carbohydrate percentage has a tendency to increase weight gain more than a diet that has a higher fat percentage."

For more information on Jon Andersen and Deep Water Trianing visit:

Afterward: I have know Jon Andersen for over 10 years as a friend, competitor, patient, coach and mentor. Jon is the real deal. Over the years I have trained with Jon and simulated Deep Water Training on my own. I can honestly say that those training sessions have been both brutal and spiritual. If you choose to go through the Deep Water portal, success waits on the other side.

Mike Johnston, PT, CSCS - United States Strongman/ Athlete Advocate

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