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Utah has a New Rep!

YOUR United States Strongman, Inc. is proud to introduce the new Utah State Representative and welcome Todd Roberts to the Revolution! Here is a little more from Todd!

"I started doing Strongman in 2012. I fell in love with the sport and the idea of moving massive amounts of weight. It took the idea of going to the gym to a different level. Training with a purpose. I have competed in several local and out of state competitions. Salt Lake Strongest Man, California Strongest Man, Platinum Plus Strongest Man, and Wasatch Strongest Man just to name a few.

Most of the time I compete in the heavy weight devision which has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. Big boys need to move a lot of weight! My favorite events are log press, yoke, and farmers. I have been married for almost 15 years to a very supportive wife and I have 3 kids that like to watch me compete. My son often asks if I can lift certain random things. I am excited to see and help the sport of Strongman grow not only locally in Utah but in other states. Its a very demanding and humbling sport that requires true drive and grit. Only the best can become Strongmen!!"

Welcome Aboard Todd!


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