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41! And We Aren't Done!!! The Tar Heel State is Repped!

Your United States Strongman is proud to have Chris Kauffman as our State Representative for the great state of North Carolina! Let's hear a little bit more about Chris in his own words. Welcome to the Revolution, Chris!

Athletics and exercise have always been a part of my life, as far back as I can remember. As a kid I played football, wrestled, and dabbled in track and field. Later, as an adult, I got into playing semi-pro football. I enjoyed 8 seasons in the semi-pro leagues of Ohio and WV, until suffering two herniated discs put an end to my days on the field. Upon being diagnosed with herniated discs, the doctor told me that I should never think of picking up more than #50 again, ever. Being the headstrong individual that I am, I refused to accept that as my fate. As soon as I was physically able to literally drag my body back to the gym, I resumed training in any way that my body would allow. I take each day as another step of rehabilitation, and refuse to ever accept temporary setbacks as defeat.

As for my connection to strongman, I have always been a fan of WSM. Have watched and marveled at the feats of the strongest that the World has to offer, for as long as I can recall. Unfortunately, it wasn't until my mid 40's that I discovered amateur Strongman, at the local level. It wasn't until someone noticed me clean and pressing well above the average gym goer, that I was ever invited to practice Strongman. It did not take long for me to get hooked. I can still remember my first show as a Novice, like it was yesterday. The 2014 NC Strongest. I finished 2nd in the log, and managed to not zero in any of the other events. That was enough to motivate me to continue on. I finally achieved my first sanctioned win this year, in the HW Masters division, at age 47.

Although my competitive days are numbered, as father time eventually gets the best of everyone, it gives me great pleasure to share my knowledge with the younger generation of strongfolk. Serving as the 1st State Representative to USS, from North Carolina is truly an honor. As NC Rep., it is my goal to help expand the sport to as many competitors and fans as possible. In my opinion, Strongman is one of the fastest growing sports in America, today. I feel that part of the attraction is the true sense of community among the competitors. It is the only sport that I have ever taken part in where your biggest rival, can also be your biggest fan. As I grow into my role as State Rep, I intend not only to continue to offer entertaining and increasingly challenging contests, but to also assist any newcomers to the sport in their shows.

Your brother in Strongman,

Chris Kauffman


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