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The Empire State Gets a Second!

YOUR United States Strongman Is proud to welcome Todd Giorgi as your 2nd New York State Rep. Todd is a fierce competitor and amazing promoter. Todd has New York's Strongest II coming up in and many BIG, BIG, BIG Apple things in the future!

Here is Todd in his own words!

I have been in the Fitness Industry since 2005 after leaving the restaurant business. While at an advanced strength coaching program in 2011, I was introduced to Modified Strongman training for athletes. These were methods to train the energy systems while using strongman specific equipment and events. With this introduction and watching World’s Strongest Man on tv from childhood, I was excited to get involved. I got my hands on a sled, a log, a tire, a yoke and farmer handles. After getting used to the different style of training I entered my 1st competition in August 2012 and have been completely involved ever since.

Leading up to the current day I have competed 17 times, most recently at Nationals in Louisville, Kentucky 2016 and tied for 6th place in the MW division. A couple years ago I outgrew my 1200sf training space as the additional kegs, sandbags and tires were now being stored in my treatment room, I am also a bodyworker focusing on pain treatment and structural balancing. In August 2014 I opened NY Strong, a 5000sf facility that has every strongman piece of equipment you can think of. January 2016 we hosted our first Strongman Competition that hosed over 90 athletes!!! I am most known as the guy that you never met yet is screaming at you and cheering you on as you’re pulling that barbell off the floor. And even more so that guy that will give you a hug like we’ve known each other forever. That is the passion and love I bring to this sport. I am ecstatic that I am committed to hosting at least 2 competitions a year and now as the State Co-Representative, being able to help grow this sport and more importantly, you as an athlete.

Welcome to the Revolution, Todd!


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