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Talk About Feeling the Burn! USS is on FIRE with Vermont at 43!

M. Johnston

Your United States Strongman is on FIRE! Our goal is to be represented by YOU! The athletes. We are so proud to have Vermont checking in at state number 43! And, we are equally proud to welcome Aaron Fondry as your new State Representative. Aaron has a story of tragedy and triumph and exemplifies the heart, will and determination of a US Strongman athlete!

Here is Aaron in his own words.

I was introduced to the sport of strongman when a friend, who at the time had just moved to our town, brought with him a single 12" log, a sandbag and a couple of Atlas Stones. At the time I believed I was "strong" and was quickly humbled by the seasoned vet who began to show me the ropes. I quickly fell in love with the sport and over the years have traveled and competed in dozens of local, regional, National and International strongman competitions. Last year I faced one of the biggest adversities to date when my leg snapped in half during the Yoke run at the 2015 USS National Strongman Competition. I thought my career as a top level competitor was over.

Over the past year I trained through a very tough and emotionally draining rehab. Relearning how to walk, use my quads, and overcome the mental hurdles that came with the injury. It is still an uphill battle to this day but everyday is one step further towards my goal. Less than a year after the injury I returned to the USS National Competition in Louisville, KY where I proved, mainly to myself, that I was still at the top of my game taking home a 2nd place finish in the nation. I am now on the cusp of my biggest show to date over in Finland to represent the US in the u90 World Championships, where I will continue to push and train myself past the injury.

I plan to put the same determination and resolve into representing Vermont and all the USS athletes.


Aaron Fondry

United States strongman Vermont State Rep

Welcome to the Revolution!

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