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The Lone Star State is Not Alone Anymore!

Your United States Strongman is proud to welcome David Hamilton as State Rep to the great state of Texas! David has Texas Strongest Man & Woman coming up on September 24th. This event will be the final qualifier for the 2016 USS Pro Women's Worlds in October.

Here is a little more about David:

David Hamilton is the co-owner and head coach at 360 Strength Athletics.

His strongman training first started in 2008 when his powerlifting coach gave him an atlas stone and said, "I think you'd be better at strongman."

In 2009 he started competing going to amateur nationals his first year. Since then he's been to 4 other nationals events, competed at the Arnold Amateur Strongman, and many local competitions. As well he's competed in multiple weight classes from 185 to heavyweight open.

In addition, he coaches a team of strength athletes at his facility. His athletes have competed locally, nationally, and internationally- Arnold, Giants Live, Masters Worlds, and Women's Worlds.

Now he's looking forward to growing USS and helping athletes achieve their goals.

Welcome to the Revolution, David!


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