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Good News for the Eighty-Twos!

Your United States Strongman Four Horsemen of the Revolution are at it again! Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity! This time it is the 82.5 KG class that gets the nod! On September 30th in Montpelier, Ohio, the USS 82.5 Men's World Championship will take place in conjunction with the Battle of the Border at the Quality Inn & Conference Center. The event will feature the top 10 181 pound athletes from the 2017 USS National Championship and qualified athletes from around the world.

USS has provided opportunity around the world through the Arnold Pro Strongman World Series, Strongman Champions League and Ultimate Strongman events. And, USS has also created a USS Pro Women's Worlds which will feature top USS athletes form America and abroad. Stay-tuned for more information and updates on the USS 82.5 Men's World Championship!


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