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My US Strongman: 8th Annual Motor City's Strongest Man/Woman!

This year, I am taking a different approach to doing my write up and telling it from the promoters point of view as athletes have been doing write up and post all over social media. I want to thank all the athletes, fans, and staff members that made this a great show, from what I was told. It is a team effort that goes into making this contest move as fast as it does. Myself, as a promoter, I want to run a show from start to awards in under 5 hours (get ready to move at nationals), this show would not be any different. We started a half hour late due to weather and were able to be done in still 4 ½ hours or 5 hours from the original start time.

As a promoter, I do not get to see most of the contest, the small bits I do get to see looked great. For my wife and me the contest starts the day before with weigh-ins, and does not end until Sunday when we are able to recap and fix mistakes (as we talk to athletes after the contest) for next year. Check ins and post contest is when I get to actually talk and see the athletes, some for the first time, and most it is a rehashing of what has been happening in our personal lifes and strongman since we last saw each other.

This year was no different than any other, we had to make some adjustments with equipment set up, which was my fault for not planning (lucky I live close to the venue and my right hand main and some of my football players were able to fix it during rules and no one noticed). There are a lot of things, that I notice go wrong and that is what I as a promoter try to fix for next time. Sometimes it is things as small as not starting on time or not raising enough money to give away for my scholarship (yes, I don't make money off this contest, they cost money to run and include a scholarship).

What a contest looks like for me is different then it is for the athlete and the fan. I am running around checking on athletes asking for input. Talking to staff making sure they are good on food and water, saying hi to fans. Maybe seeing an athlete lift something, and helping out move equipment when needed (ask my torn bicep five years ago). You can ask my wife after I presented her with her award I gave he a quick kiss and back to the contest (I did get yelled at later for that). So, if I did not get to thank you after the show or say good lift after you hit a PR, it was not personal I was just trying to make sure you had the best experience to have that opportunity. When weights have to be changed or events might be adjusted it was not the intent of the promoter to do that sometimes things happen and we have to adjust. I am lucky enough to have great friends to help me every year and the support from the principal, football and wrestling program at Warren Mott High School to have enough staff.

I will say, for me the highlight of the day was being able to see my first scholarship winner come and talk to me and thank me. He was also able to share the stage with the current winner, for me that is a win. I watched one of my current football players, clean and just miss getting the press on the axle which two weeks ago he couldn't clean it. I got to thank both Aaron and Stacy West, Dean Nascimben, and my wife (Crystal) for all the help the past 8 years with this contest by putting them into the Motor City Hall of Fame. For those of you that came out to eat after and hang out there was a great example of pay it forward by Bob Harmon, that made everyone's day (again thank you Mr. Harmon for that great surprise). Being able to meet many new athletes before and after the contest. And if you were able to make it to the 7th event, 5th avenue of Royal Oak, made sure there was even entertainment for your weekend.

I love seeing everyone's write ups and touching base with athletes throughout the day about the event. I want to finish by thanking, Aaron & Stacy West, Dean Nascimben, Willie Wessels, Adam Daniels and his two sons, my wife Crystal, Jeff Pruitt and his son, Paul Salyers, Jared and Dana Spybrook, Jessie Lee, Bre Lyn, Christian Saba, Val Meisner, Warren Mott High School, Jennifer Preintz. Thank to Ron Vallee at Sports Edge Photography for all his pictures that are posted on his facebook page and the Motor City event page (contact him about photos). Also a big thanks to Troy Laser and Fab for the wagon wheels and Samson Strong for the farmers and axles. Also thanks to everyone that helped clean up the floor after the contest, this contest would not be as successful if not for the athletes and the great group of volunteers that make it run smooth. See you in June.

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