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USS Has Nationals Swag!

J. Albrecht

YOUR United States Strongman is trying to make this year's National Championships the best to date, ANYWHERE!!!

To do that, we have partnered with the largest team sport provider in the nation to bring you USS Nationals gear for a limited time! Athletes - you get a contest shirt already... This is EXTRA and contest colors* (R, W, B) are reserved for you!

Here is how it works...

You go to this website:

You enter this code (caps matter): strong8J29

You buy things that you like! T-shirts* (men's and women's cut), Tanks, LS Shirts, and even a hoodie... Oh yeah, there are bags too. And we have a special shirt: It will have a more "grippy" front - one that you can actually wear at nationals, because it is a USS shirt (Roizo shirts are NOT allowed, FYI). The GRIP SHIRT is the 5.3 oz Cotton tee and is only available in RED, WHITE, or BLUE, because, AMERICA!!! Also, expect a square logo instead of the shield - the square will cover more space.

What you buy will be available for pick up at nationals. "But, what if I cant get to nationals?" Well, first off, you should be at nationals! Second, we are working on that... Please do not email or text us asking when we will know more... We will post it on the USS 2017 Nationals Event page here, as soon as we know. But, we just couldn't keep this from you any longer!

REMEMBER, this is for a limited time... until June 3rd! Yeah, we know it says May 25, but I know a guy that can get it extended.

So be a part of the action and get your swag today! Can't wait to see you at Nationals!!!

*Men's and Women's T-Shirt colors Red, White, and Blue are reserved for athletes and staff.

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