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My US Strongman! Lindsey Haggerty from USS PRO Women's Worlds!

My first time competing at USS Pro Women’s Worlds was one for the books. I met so many amazing people and was truly inspired by everything I saw. My day took a detour when I split my chin open on the 240 lb stone. I can’t say thank you enough to everyone who helped me in that moment! I competed the rest of the day before going to the ER for 8 stitches – my first time getting stitches! Now I have a badass scar to accompany my 7thplace finish.

As for what’s next for me, believe it or not, I’m a crossfitter (I know, I know…insert all crossfit jokes here), so I’ll be resuming my crossfit training and working on my weaknesses, i.e. anything gymnastics related (I’m determined to do a muscle up!!). As for strongman, it’s a new endeavor for me.

My first strongman competition was in April and after that I started training for PA’s Strongest in July (my training partner Sierra placed 3rd at Worlds!!). Fast forward through 3 months of hard work with training and macro counting to me competing 10 lbs lighter and placing 3rd to qualify me for Worlds (Sierra placed 1st!!).

As far as my future with strongman, I’d love to compete again on the big stage. I’m currently trying to figure out how I can do both crossfit and strongman – I love them both too much to choose! We shall see what the future holds for me, but for now, I’m counting my blessings that I’m

alive and healthy. Life is GOOD!

All of us at USS were proud to have you at USS PRO Women's Worlds! We look forward to seeing you next year!!!


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