Since its inception in June of 2014, YOUR United States Strongman has made it its goals to bring you high quality contests and create opportunity for the athletes.
With decades of both competing in and promoting strongman experience, USS decided that it was time to make things easier on the promoters and stream line our look. While this isn't rocket science, we do get an array of entry forms that need to be edited and adjusted. All of this takes time. And while we do not mind helping, we have other tasks that require attention to make this thing go! So that said, we have made the entry form submission digital via a google forms we have also made the weight matrix available two ways: As a download that you can email in, or as a google form that you will see moments after completing. All of the links to these tools are on the Promoting A Contest page. They are also HERE:
Please note that Contests will be posted twice a week (Wednesdays and one day on the weekend). This means that depending on the day that the promoter submits ALL of the information, it may take 1-5 days to post the contest.
All contests will use this form going forward!
If your show is a national record opportunity, the promoter MUST submit all of the records broken to USS. This is also available online HERE. Even USS President Willie Wessels could not get his Hope For the Holidays records posted until he submitted them online. And, know this, If Mr. Wessels can submit them online, so can YOU!!!
We hope you have had a great start to 2018 and look forward to bring you more quality strongman year round!
With SM Love,
The Veep