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National A's for your Q's

We are excited and proud to announce our 1st Main Sponsor for your 2018 United States Strongman Nationals in New York! Apollo Fabrication will be supplying us with the Front Handle Car Deadlift frame! It is a great piece of equipment as it is also converted to side handle depending on which competition you have going forward! In addition to that, and check this out, they have made an arm over arm pulling station that is also going to duplicate as the Drag Sled for the Flip & Drag!!! And look at these pics!!! You have never dragged a sled the huge so get it and test it out!!! Thank you Shane and Matt!!! (Click the logo to visit their site)

Now that we are 3 months out we have some other details of importance to many of you…

The picture of the truck pull was when we were testing a truck at a known weight, including additional weight respective of weight classes, on the very surface you will be competing on. So we promise it won’t be crap shoot. This is for all the ones asking what surface we’ll be on so you can bring the right footwear.

The Monster DB (Bigg Dogg Strongg) and Deadlift will have a mat under your feet…it’s a combo of 4x6 mats, ¾’ thick and black in color . The Tire Flip (5) & Drag (50’) and Truck Pull (75’) will be on this surface. Yes, you can use gloves. And the drag is heavy and the approximate weight is unknown right now. Same with the cars. What make and model is not released but again, plan on it being heavy and not being a rep fest. Contest shirts must be worn for all events except Stones. Color has not been decided yet but it will soon so you can color coordinate! Yes, it must be worn over the DL suit if you are using that and if you wear a grip shirt, whatever brand, the competition shirt must go over it.

-Toddy G


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