STEP 1: Contact your USS State Rep
Contact your USS State Rep. Talk to them about your ideas and discuss dates, events, venues, etc. Ask them what dates they can come to your show and what expenses may be involved to have them there*. You must clear your event and date with your state rep before I can approve it. Once those things are settled, move on to Step 2. The link to the State Rep list is below.
*If this is your first sanctioned show with USS, you must have a State Rep present.
STEP 2: Contact USS
After you speak to your state rep and you have things in order, introduce yourself to USS. If you are a veteran promoter, you may have already done this. Either way, share your ideas for a show. You can reach USS at willie@unitedstatesstrongman.com .
STEP 3: Sanction and Entry Form
Now for the easy part! Simply click the button below, create an Iron Podium account (if you don't already have one), and fill out your entry/sanction form. You can go back in and edit it as need with the exception of the date and location. You will need to speak to USS prior to those changes due to other contests and insurance purposes.
STEP 4: Scoring and Results
All scoring and results will be done with Iron Podium. This is the USS Standard and expectation. No exceptions.
Note: You cannot compete in your own event. You are picking the events and weights. It is not fair to also compete.
STEP 5: National Records (optional)
Let's assume you wish to have a National record breaking event...
Here is what you do:
See if an USS administrator can come Judge your event.
Set up room and travel arrangement for the judge.
Fill out the Record Form and submit with results.
NO FORM = NO RECORD!!! Athletes, make sure you have a form filled out for you and hold the promoter responsible.​