United States Strongman, Inc. Records
(Records Below)
1. Max Log C & P - 12" for men, 10" for women. 60 second time limit per attempt. 3 attempts with Wessels Rule. No built up belts. Feet parallel, knees and elbows locked, head through. No tacky.*
2. Max Axle C & P - 60 second time limit per attempt. 3 attempts with Wessels Rule. Feet parallel, knees and elbows locked, head through. No tacky.*
3. Max Standard Deadlift - 60 second time limit per attempt. 3 attempts. Wessels Rule applies. Straps and suits allowed. No sumo. Hitching allowed. Hips and knees locked. Down command from the judge.*
4. Max 18 Inch Deadlift - 60 second time limit per attempt. 3 attempts. Wessels Rule applies. Straps and suits allowed. No sumo. Hitching allowed. 18" measured from the center of the bar to the floor. Power bar only, no deadlift bars. Hips and knees locked. Down command from the judge.*
5. Farmer Hold for Time - Max time. Time starts on lockout, ends when either implement hits the floor. Handle height must be 17" or lower and less than 1.25" diameter.
* Records will be established in each weight class and each division. Initial weights will be established at the State level by the United States Strongman, Inc. State Representative in accordance with the United States Strongman, Inc. Record Standard Norms. State records can be broken if the State Representative is present or a United States Strongman, Inc. National Representative is present. National records can be established and broken if a United States Strongman, Inc. National Representative is present at a State or National event.